Thursday, April 13, 2006

But, Maybe You Misunderstood...

...that my new baby is nameless...

I know, I know, it's Maundy Thursday and all...but, let's put things in perspective here...[that was sarcasm...I actually do have my priorities in a reasonably appropriate order].

It's sterile to just be called FIELD-22 your whole life.

Okay, I'm off to bed now, with my new computer right in between R. and me under the covers. Nice and snug.



Pink Shoes said...

Oh, how fun! A new computer and such a pretty little thing, too... I'm terrible at coming up with names for such things, although I've always named my cars... If it's a Gateway, their boxes were always cow-patterned... Bessie? Betsy? Mabel? Something sturdy and companionable.

Contemplative Chaplain said...

Oh yes, I like those...

Anonymous said...

Given the spiritual nature of the time of your baby's arrival, your wonderful musings as a stepmom, your strong goddess spirit and your appreciation of irony, I thought maybe "Pele", Hawaian Goddess of Fire, "She-Who-Shapes-The-Sacred-Land" or "Goddess of 1,000 Names".

Contemplative Chaplain said...

Oh, I like that. Wow you are so kind and affirming... thank you.

I'll have to try that on for awhile...or, oh wait, I've got a great idea...I could ALSO find the man on the corner who yells into the megaphone and ask HIM!

Pele. It has a ring...