Now, I don't ask much of you. I really don't sweet readers. You know me. I'm one of those folks who during the "passing of the peace" sort of stand up shyly and try to take a L O N G time to shake the hand of the developmentally-disabled woman who sits behind me at Robert's church, hoping it will take up time, because I don't know how to introduce myself to others very well and with Martha, it's easy. Martha already loves me. (P.S. I personally think Martha is kind of like God...she loves me regardless).
But, as I was saying. I don't ask much.'s National De-Lurking Week and that means you have a role. Delurk yourself. Admit loudly and proudly that, yes, you read the Contemplative Chaplain. For you Brethren, this may be threatening, it may ACTUALLY mean that you read someone who...cusses...someone who cusses loudly at times...someone who is irreverent (and irrelevant in the eyes of the denomination, so what the bloody hell!?! But don't worry, no denominational bigwigs give a shit about my thoughts anyway).
Go comments. Tell the world that you read my writings (tell me so you can "give me the big head" as the Anabaptists accuse). I know you're out there...all three of you (one of whom is my therapist and out of HIPAA rules I acknowledge that he doesn't have to delurk...although I don't care if he does).
I gotta go now and tell Real Live Preacher and Amalah and the nice Going Jesus lady how much I love them. And so...let's begin the De-Lurking revolution!
Technically, I guess I'm lurking. Actually, I'm just new to your blog and haven't commented yet, although the letter to God the other day got me feeling your pain! So, now you know...I'm reading ya!
Oh, thank you heyjules! My first official delurker! I'm honored!
Hi, I don't think I've swung my here before. I like cussing chaplains, so I'll have visit again.
Well, shit, Alice. You do that! Thanks for reading!
Jeepers, this keyboard is getting on my last nerve. I actually write real purty.
Keep the wonderful writing coming. I've read old entries, responded to you Letter to God and find kinship in our roles as stepmoms. Your courage, honesty and wit touch me, and I'm sure many others, deeply.
Hi Sweetie,
I'm behind in my reading and just got to your de-lurking request. I'm not technically "lurking" 'cause I've said "Hi" before but I do read you faithfully, even if a day or two lapse gets in my way.
Keep up the wonderful writing. I think this will look like it's from "anonymous" but it's not... it's me!
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